HearForm is all about marketing. In addition to our extensive letter marketing module that allows you to target market very specific groups of patients or prospective patients, HearForm, includes ways to track those marketing efforts. Here are just some of the many tools available to you. Visit each Feature Sub-Section by clicking the desired category.
Marketing Module
The Marketing screen allows you to track your individual marketing campaigns.
The Marketing History screen will show a list of each time the patient has been directly marketed to. This can prevent over marketing to a prospective patient.
The report will show how effective each marketing event was. You will be able to see how many pieces of mail were sent. How many patients responded and what was the overall result of those responses (i.e. How many were TNS, TNL, Referred to Physician, Monaural, Binaural, etc…)

Here is an example of how to use the marketing program:
- First - perform a find of all prospects in your database. (Perhaps you have purchased a prospect list of 1,000 names – senior over 65 years of age)
- Next send the prospects an open house letter from the “letters” layout.
- Enter specific information in the three green fields displayed above
- The blue button shown below will quickly add that information to the marketing history of your found set.
- Leave the records marked as “Sent Marketing materials” at this point.
- After a patient has completed an appointment you can change the “Event Result” field to indicate how the prospective patient responded to that mailing. (For example: If the patient purchased two hearing instruments, change that field to “Fit two instruments.”)
ESCO Free Printing/Postage
Instead of paying $1.07 per letter to, just click a button in HearForm and the price is right. Send your warranty, birthday, annual recall and patient satisfaction survey letters through ESCO's free Market/Mailing Service - ConnectCare. Talk to the professionals at ESCO and ask them why this service sounds too good to be true. HearForm receives no compensation in any way for recommending this service. We just think the service is really worth considering.
ESCO's ConnectCare program provides the tools to easily manage and maintain your relationship with your patients by connecting and keeping in touch with them through our mailing services.
Referral Source Reports
Save money on your marketing budget by tracking which sources actually pay off. This module will let you know how many patients visited you because of your Yellow Pages ad and how much revenue (and profit) was generated from those visits. Easily find out how many patients were referred by each physician. Learn which open house letter pulls the right kind of prospective patient.