The count function works on a Found Set of Records. It essentially counts and arranges your records in an organized report in the same way that Excel might display "Pivot Tables."

You can view the count reports sorted by Name (Alphabetically) or by the highest/lowest count totals. Try each of the buttons to see which report works best for you.
You will be given the opportunity to print the report after viewing it.
The four reports on the right are slightly different. The physician report will list each physician and all those patient names that have been connected to that physician. Again, try each of the buttons to see which report works best for you.
You can isolate a Found Set easier using the fields at the bottom of the screen.
For Example: If you want to find only those patient records that have been created after 1/1/2008, click the Find button and enter >2007 in the “Record Creation Date” field.