Outcome Forms
HearForm software offers personalized forms for Outcome testing.

- The APHAB (Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefits) is a two-page document that is personalized with your office letterhead and patient information, such as name, address, phone number and date of birth.
By clicking on the “Go To” button located just below the APHAB button on the Outcome form (shown above) you may click on the radio button choices regarding the patient’s hearing aid history and usage. Making these selections in this section will cause the information to appear on the page when it is printed. Use the arrow buttons located in the left margin to navigate between the first and second pages of this form.
- The COSI form will be available in a future upgrade of HearForm.
- The Glasgow Hearing Aid Benefit Profile (GHABP) form is personalized with partial letterhead, the patient’s name and the date. The remainder of the form is to be filled out by the patient.